Keeping your child's teeth healthy and strong, especially the baby (primary) ones, takes a solid routine of dental hygiene. Here at Jungle Dental, you can count on our
Anaheim pediatric dentist as your partner in ensuring that your child's teeth remain as cavity-free and toothache-free as can reasonably be expected.
Even the best dental hygiene practice can be derailed by poor diet. And because of this, we recommend that you limit the amount of sugar that your child consumes in his or her foods, drinks, and even in condiments. Pay close attention to product labels, because so many items contain sugar that you might otherwise not even realize. This is even true of 100% fruit juice. They label might brag that there is no added sugar, but that doesn't mean it is by any means free of sugar. Brushing first thing in the morning, and again right before bed form the foundation of good dental hygiene. Along with flossing at night, it is a routine that removes as much plaque as possible. What remains, though, can turn to tartar, a hardened form, that builds up and cannot be effectively addressed with brushing and flossing. Our
Anaheim pediatric dentist advises that a visit to our office every six months will pick up where at-home dental hygiene leaves off. A professional teeth cleaning eradicates tartar as well as any residual plaque that is still between teeth and at the gum line. Having this simple process done two times per year results in an optimal state of oral well-being, and the least chance of cavities and gum disease.
In addition to everything already discussed, you can depend on our
Anaheim pediatric dentist to offer essential guidance to maximize dental hygiene between visits to our office. Please call now to schedule a full examination and cleaning for your child.
2156 East Lincoln Ave.
Anaheim , CA 92806
(626) 923-3393
By Jungle Dental
March 25, 2018
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